Zero Tolerance for Unacceptable Behavior |
This page is used by several bridge organizations that adhere to the ideas
expressed on this page |
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There is little doubt that the one thing that drives newer players from
the game of duplicate bridge is bad behavior. Zero Tolerance for
Unacceptable Behavior started in Units 166, 246 and 249 in southern Ontario
during the 1990s to combat this type of behavior. To visit the ACBL's Zero Tolerance page, click here. |
These are some of the guidelines for Zero Tolerance: |
Expected Behavior Anything that makes bridge more enjoyable for others 1. Greeting others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round. 2. Be a good "host" or "guest" at the table. 3. Making your convention card readily available to your opponents and filling it out completely. 4. Do EVERYTHING possible to make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents. 5. Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play. |
Unacceptable Behavior Anything makes bridge less enjoyable for others 1. Publicly criticizing partner or opponents. 2. Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, profanity, threats or violence. 3. Negative comments concerning opponents' or partner's play or bidding. 4. Gloating over good results. 5. Objecting to a call for the director. 6. Disputing or arguing with a directors ruling. 7. Poor personal hygiene, grooming or dress. |
It is understood there might be a natural reluctance to complain about fellow players. Should it become necessary to call the director simply state "The player is interfering with my enjoyment of the game" This conduct is specifically prohibited by Law 74A1 in the Laws of Duplicate Bridge |
At one time Unit 166 offered a ZERO TOLERANCE KIT that included one copy of a poster to display at a club or tournament with the ZERO TOLERANCE logo. You should now contact ACBL directly for copies of posters and any other concerns about ZERO TOLERANCE. When they discontinued sending out the folders as of February 15, 1998 they had sent out slightly over 400 kits to clubs around the world. |
Many Bridge Organizations Have Adopted Zero Tolerance |
The organizations follow the following guidelines for Zero Tolerance: There should be NO warnings |
First Offense - a procedural penalty of one quarter board or three IMPS. | |
Second Offense - Ejection from the game. | |
Click here for a list of organizations that have ask to be included on this website |
Note: Any bridge organization may link to this page without checking. If you would like your club, unit, district or tournament added to the list of organizations on the above list please contact the Web Manager. If you have a web site and enclose your URL (or e-mail address) it will be added along with your name. |
For a sheet with ZT information suitable to post in your club or at a tournament e-mail the ZT Web Mananger by clicking here. Please be sure to give your complete mailing address if the request is to be sent by regular mail. Otherwise it will be sent as an attachment in Microsoft WordŽ format. |